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DevOps vs. Platform Engineering vs. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Filip Verloy
November 26, 2024
~0 min read

Organisations today have a variety of approaches to managing software development and infrastructure operations.Three common models are DevOps, Platform Engineering, and Site ReliabilityEngineering (SRE). While there are some similarities, each has distinct goals, responsibilities, and practices.


DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). The goal of DevOps is to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. Key DevOps practices include:

  • Automation of build, test, and deployment processes.
  • Collaborative culture between development and operations teams.
  • Monitoring and incident response for deployed applications.
  • Rapid iteration and incremental updates.

DevOps teams often have a mix of developers, system administrators, and quality assurance engineers working together throughout the entire application lifecycle.

Platform Engineering

Platform Engineering focuses on building and maintaining internal developer platforms and tooling. The goal is to empower developers to be more productive by providing self-service infrastructure, workflows, and abstractions. Key Platform Engineering responsibilities include:

  • Designing and operating infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service(PaaS) offerings.
  • DevelopingAPIs, dashboards, and self-service tooling for developers.
  • Automating provisioning, deployment, and scaling of developer environments.
  • Ensuring platform reliability, security, and compliance.

Platform Engineering teams typically have a mix of infrastructure engineers, software engineers, and product managers working together.

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

SRE is a software engineering discipline focused on ensuring reliable, scalable, and efficient operation of systems. The goal of SRE is to create and run highly reliable and scalable distributed computing systems. Key SRE responsibilities include:

  • Designing, building, and operating large-scale, massively distributed, fault-tolerant systems.
  • Automating operations tasks to reduce toil and human error.
  • Implementing proactive monitoring, incident response, and disaster recovery.
  • Capacity planning, performance optimisation, and cost management.

SRE teams are often composed of software engineers with strong systems and operations experience.


While DevOps, Platform Engineering, and SRE have some overlapping responsibilities, there are key differences:

  • Focus: DevOps emphasises collaboration between development and operations. Platform Engineering focuses on developer productivity. SRE focuses on reliability and scalability of production systems.
  • Ownership: DevOps teams own the full application lifecycle. Platform Engineering teams own the developer platform. SRE teams own the reliability and performance of production systems.
  • Skillsets: DevOps combines development and operations skills. Platform Engineering requires software engineering and product management skills. SRE requires software engineering and deep systems expertise.

Ultimately, these approaches are complementary and many organisations adopt a hybrid model, leveraging aspects of each to meet their specific needs.

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IaC: Best Practices & Implementation

Infrastructure as Code Best Practices & Implementation – transforming brittle, manual processes into repeatable blueprints for modern cloud operations.


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DevOps vs. Platform Engineering vs. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Filip Verloy
February 17, 2025
Use Cases
Company Size
~0 min read

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses rely on servers more than ever to store, process, and manage their data.

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Quisque suscipit euismod accumsan. In at ultricies nisi, ut varius ipsum.Nam lacinia at odio et viverra. Aliquam elit ex, volutpat sed ante et, semper dignissim risus. Morbi mi purus, vehicula sed elementum sit amet, placerat quis risus. Suspendisse est mi, fermentum a nunc et, sodales dictum tellus. Ut mattis porttitor risus, eget molestie sem ornare id. Quisque lobortis molestie vehicula. Nulla id suscipit arcu.Praesent laoreet euismod mauris, sit amet varius eros ullamcorper sed. Fusce congue eros non venenatis semper. Fusce finibus tortor ipsum, sit amet lacinia nunc ultrices vel. Suspendisse gravida aliquet felis sed accumsan. Morbi scelerisque turpis sed tellus blandit viverra.

Pellentesque nisi magna, volutpat vel tempor eu, consequat sit amet diam. Quisque sed lectus ut leo consectetur blandit. Donec efficitur risus sed orci mattis porttitor. In sodales justo et varius sodales. Suspendisse luctus, est vitae fermentum faucibus, tortor metus maximus massa, non posuere dui elit sit amet nunc. Praesent id vulputate sapien, ut lacinia lectus. Morbi diam dui, consequat non urna sed, cursus consequat nibh.Integer eget vehicula metus. Maecenas eu eleifend felis. Nulla auctor neque vitae orci congue cursus. Aenean at suscipit augue, nec faucibus nibh. Quisque convallis lacus at lacus tristique scelerisque in eu diam. Pellentesque egestas varius felis ut fermentum.

Praesent luctus, felis ut efficitur elementum, dolor leo vestibulum turpis, eu aliquam erat dui sed mi. Integer pellentesque, elit volutpat aliquam sagittis, erat mauris hendrerit augue, vitae gravida felis nisi eu nisi. Maecenas nisl urna, ultricies id arcu vitae, elementum auctor ante. Nam magna eros, interdum at scelerisque ut, viverra quis felis. Maecenas vitae ex quis mi venenatis tincidunt at et nisl. Nullam volutpat leo in semper bibendum. Aliquam pellentesque, diam in tempus pellentesque, ante nulla gravida diam, vel feugiat quam augue sollicitudin felis.Duis eu sagittis quam. Aliquam consectetur vehicula urna at tempus. Vivamus vel quam felis. Fusce eleifend non ipsum ac pharetra.

Duis suscipit feugiat venenatis. Cras ullamcorper quis velit a venenatis. Mauris ipsum lorem, dictum id posuere ac, consequat non tellus. Proin consectetur non ante id posuere. Donec viverra, leo in interdum eleifend, ligula augue facilisis magna, eu dictum urna risus mollis justo. Ut sit amet enim tortor. Integer sit amet lectus luctus orci vestibulum auctor lacinia quis erat. Donec nunc sapien, tempus nec porttitor a, luctus nec metus.

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IaC: Best Practices & Implementation

Infrastructure as Code Best Practices & Implementation – transforming brittle, manual processes into repeatable blueprints for modern cloud operations.


Empower your Dev Teams: The Value of Self-Service Infrastructure

Imagine, a test environment closely matching production is automatically created for them. Developers don’t have to open a request and wait hours or days. This is the promise of self-service infrastructure!


Enhancing Developer Productivity with StackGuardian: A Game-Changer for Modern Teams

In today's fast-paced tech environment, developer productivity isn't just about writing code faster; it's about creating a workflow that allows developers to focus on innovation while maintaining efficiency, security, and compliance.


DevOps vs. Platform Engineering vs. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Organisations today have a variety of approaches to managing software development and infrastructure operations. Three common models are DevOps, Platform Engineering, and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). While there are some similarities, each has distinct goals, responsibilities, and practices.


StackGuardian and the DIE Framework: A Powerful Combination for Cybersecurity

The most common traditional security framework is the CIA triad, Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information is crucial to the operation of a business, and the CIA triad segments these three ideas into separate focal points. This differentiation is helpful because it helps guide security teams as they pinpoint the different ways in which they can address each concern.


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You build it, you run it (YBIYRI) is growing in popularity. Here's everything you need to know