
Approved configurations are deployed through SG Orchestrator, a noCode tool that ensures your cloud infrastructure is cost efficient, secure, and compliant at all times.

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When cloud engineering teams are not properly equipped with the necessary automation tools, the challenges they face during development will likely continue when their code is ready for deployment across the cloud services infrastructure.

Sub-optimal cloud configuration

Ideally, the cloud infrastructure should be properly provisioned and optimized to support each new application without any problems. Unfortunately, when cloud engineering teams rely on outdated manual processes and tools, they quickly discover the infrastructure they’ve provisioned does not meet optimal deployment requirements for application performance, security, compliance, capacity and more.

Poor internal collaboration

The problem is compounded when application development and cloud platform teams operate in silos and fail to collaborate to deploy an optimized cloud infrastructure. When that happens, cloud engineering teams must then implement disruptive, post-deployment infrastructure changes, which often leads to potential compliance violations and spiralling costs for cloud services.

How Deploy works

The automation and intelligence within SG Orchestrator makes the Deploy phase fast, predictable, and always reliable.


Accelerating infrastructure deployment with noCode

By leveraging the self-service capabilities of its intelligent platform – including a comprehensive library of no-code blueprints and policy templates – StackGuardian eliminates much of the time, complexity, and wasted costs typically associated with infrastructure deployment.

Workflow Group
Assembled IaC by StackGuardian via noCode UI
Use Marketplace IaC Template
IaC Template
large (c5.xlarge)
Ireland (eu-west-1)
Auto-run drift detection
Drifted Resources

List of Resources Drifted from Expected State

Resources Changed
Latest Status
Drift Detected
Next Scheduled Run

Continuous policy enforcement and automated drift detection

Once deployment of the optimized cloud infrastructure is completed (in minutes instead of hours), StackGuardian provides continuous, real-time monitoring to ensure that essential guardrail policies for compliance and security remain in place and there is no configuration drift.

Peace of Mind

A fast, affordable, and effective deployment process

The power of SG Orchestrator, combined with automated noCode capabilities, accelerates the productivity of cloud engineering teams, controls cloud costs, and ensures that infrastructure resources are fully optimized to deliver secure and compliant cloud-native applications.

All deployed configurations have passed compliance & regulatory checks
Your infrastructure is protected
No overspend
All connections are correctly configured to avoid cloud overspend

StackGuardian in action